Taming the Savage Beast:
A Roman cup carved from fluorspar (Toon,
167 | Environmental Toxicology
Fluorine is a chemical
element with a unique history of human exposure. The first human use of the naturally occurring
element was in the 1500’s as an ore additive, to help the metal mixtures mix
together at lower temperatures, and as such called fluores from the Latin flere,
meaning “to flow” (Greenwood, 1999). This element is extremely reactive, making
it initially hard for scientists to isolate and identify from natural mineral
forms such as fluorspar (fluorite). Additionally, the human risks of inhaling
the gaseous form of fluorine (hydrofluoric acid; HF) caused injury and even
death to investigators attempting to isolate the element (Toon, 2011), leading
to long periods of research. The element was noted for an ability to scour glass,
demonstrating its corrosive and active nature. As such, when fluorine was
finally isolated in 1886 by Henri Moissan, he was awarded the Nobel Prize,
stating “the whole world has admired the great experimental skill with which
you have studied that savage beast among
the elements” (Toon, 2011).
& Physical Properties
Fluorine is a halogen
with the symbol F and an atomic number of nine, and it is the most
electronegative element in the periodic table. It is 13th in
terrestrial abundance and 24th in universal abundance (Suess and
Urey, 1956). It is extremely reactive, and in its free form bonds quickly and
readily with other elements. The bond energy of difluorine (F2) is
much lower than other halides (Cl2 or Br2) and can easily
dissociate, releasing the more reactive F atom (Greenwood and Earnshaw, 1998). Similar
to other halides, fluorine in a diatomic gas of pale yellow color at STP, and
has a pungent odor (similar to Cl2). Fluorine with combine with all
elements except the light noble gases (He, Ne and Ar), and the presence of
fluorine in a compound strengthens nearby bonds.
Two examples of these
combined elements are sodium fluoride and calcium fluoride (ATSDR, 2003). Sodium
fluoride and sodium fluorosilicate are commonly added to drinking water
supplies in the United States. Natural compounds containing fluorine include
many inorganic minerals (fluorite, fluorapatite, cryolite), but less than a
dozen natural organic compounds, mostly derived from Streptomyces and Dichapetalum
bacteria metabolism (Dolbier, 2005). Fluorine is found naturally in previously
mentioned forms, but fluoride can also be found in synthetically fluorinated
organic compounds. For this work, we will use the term “fluoride” to refer to
compounds that contain the fluorine atom in their structure; as most scientific
instruments detect the sum of all fluorides present in a water sample.
& Manufacture
The chemical properties
of fluoride relate to its myriad number of uses across metallurgy, medicine,
water treatment, and other fields. The ubiquitous non-stick coating Teflon even
contains long carbon chains with fluorine atoms attached. The first recorded uses
were as a flux in metal working, but the element and its derivatives are
commonly used in medical and scientific applications. Fluorine is also a necessary ingredient for
uranium enrichment, and was used extensively in the Manhattan Project to help
build nuclear weapons in the US (Edmunds and Smedley, 2013). About 20% of
current pharmaceutical drugs and 30% of agricultural chemicals are man-made
organofluorine compounds (Emsley, 2011). A very common drug is the selective
serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) fluoxetine, marketed under the brand name
Prozac. Drugs commonly used fluorine-containing compounds to add bond strength
to compounds, allowing them to reach areas otherwise impossible, such as fluconazole
for fungal treatments in extremities. Fluorine-18 is an isotope that is used in
positron emission tomography (PET) due to its short half-life (110 minutes).
The 18F isotope is attached to a glucose molecule, injected into the
patient, and high resolution images (such as this
can be produced as the fluorine emits a position as it decays, which collides
with an electron and annihilates – releasing gamma radiation, which can be
detected and used to image the human body, especially cells heavily using
glucose, such as some cancers (Emsley, 2011).
The first noted record of
fluoride compounds in water was in the 1930’s when settlers in Arizona and
Colorado showed signs of mottled teeth which were linked to groundwater wells
containing traces (likely high concentrations due to the high detection limits
of the times) of fluorine (Smith, et al 1931). Although high levels of fluorine
compounds in water can cause fluorosis, as fluorine compounds replace elements
within the enamel structure, strengthening it (Fejerskov et al, 1990). The
strength makes it more resistant to acid demineralization through its high
electronegativity, and this is the reasoning behind fluoridation of water
supplies. However, there has been debate around the benefits of fluoridation of
water supplies (Hamilton, 1992) and the adverse effects of chronic low doses of
fluorine are unclear, as some believe that the effects are deleterious even near
current safe drinking water levels (Connett, 2007).
The goals of this paper
are to: (1) outline the current state of the literature on the toxicological
properties of fluorine and relevant compounds within human populations and (2)
use this knowledge to provide an overview of fluoride’s toxic impacts on human
Exposure of humans and
animals to fluoride can occur from high levels in groundwater, residential or
industrial spills, and natural sources such as volcanic smoke and ash (Edmunds
and Smedley, 2013), and even within foodstuffs, but varies widely
geographically. This paper will focus on
the impacts of fluorine on human impacts. Although the impact of environmental
fluoride on wildlife is an area of concern and active research, an assessment
of the overall exposure and toxic effects of fluoride on wildlife is not
available (Azorit et al, 2012), so the population of interest was selected to
be humans.
Fluorides naturally occur
in the earth’s system, and can cycle through reservoirs, similar to the way
nitrogen, water and carbon cycle, which impacts the regions in which
populations can be exposed to fluoride. Globally, concentrations of fluorine in
surface waters are around 300 µg/L. Surface waters can become concentrated if
hydrothermal interaction with fluoride-containing source rocks occurs. This
fluorine is commonly derived from weathering of the minerals in earth’s crust,
which has a fluorine abundance of 625 mg/kg (Edmunds and Smedley, 2013). Ranges of detectible fluorine in worldwide
drinking water can be from 0.1 to 10 mg/L; a map of predicted geogenic fluoride
concentrations above the WHO guideline is shown in Figure 1. The WHO guideline
for fluoride in drinking water is 1.5 mg/L (WHO, 1984), and drinking waters are
commonly fluorinated to 1.0 mg/L concentrations.
– Predicted probability of geogenic groundwater fluoride with concentrations
greater than the WHO guideline of 1.5 mg/L. Note the presence of an equatorial
“fluoride belt” due to the presence of igneous and metamorphic rock structures
(Amnin et al, 2008).
In air and rain, fluorine
is found in low concentrations, except near coal-fired power plants or as industry-related
aerosols (e.g. smoke from aluminum smelting or phosphorus fertilizer plants,
(EPA, 1998)). In soils, the values can range from 200 to 300 ppm (without
external contamination). The affinity of fluorides for soils is due to the tendency
of most fluorine compounds to association with other ions, including
substituting for OH- ions in clay structures. Due to this environmental
distribution, foods and drinks can also be sources of naturally high levels of
fluoride. For example, tea plants can accumulate fluoride in their leaves, and
brewed teas can contain high levels of fluorine. Also, medical and dental
products such as fluorinated toothpaste and antifungal medicines such as
flucytosine contain fluoride. Finally, industrial workers may come into contact
with fluorine in the form of hydrogen fluoride, which is commonly used to etch optical
components and silicon computer chips (ATSDR, 2013).
The most likely routes of
exposure for fluorides are through: (1) groundwater with naturally high
concentrations of fluorides, especially those in contact with fluorapatite, (2)
acute poisoning from absorption through repertory tract or skin if gaseous HF
is released in an industrial environment and (3) chronic exposure of low doses
through ingestion of fluoride-containing products such as toothpaste, and some
fluoride containing products (Smith et al, 1993).
Route of Exposure
Fluorides are commonly
consumed via the oral route, as since fluoride is abundant in soils and plants,
we inevitably ingest a small amount 1.0 – 3.0 mg/day on average, depending of
dietary differences (Burt 1992). This amount is a larger concern for children,
but is dependent on the presence of calcium in the water, as fluoride with
readily bind with calcium in aqueous solution. The predominant source of
fluorides daily intake for global populations is through drinking water
(Murray, 1986), but sometimes diet can provide higher dosages of fluorides (WHO,
2006). At the same time, a diet high in calcium can provide a buffer against
ingested fluoride. Either way, a good estimate of the total daily fluoride
exposure through drinking water is 0.6 mg per adult per day in a
non-fluorinated area, and 2 mg per adult per day in a fluorine-amended water
supply area (WHO, 1984). Areas in China where cooking with high fluoride coal
can contaminate food with high levels of fluorine have estimated oral intakes
of 9.63 mg per adult per day (WHO, 2006).
Route of Exposure
concentrations of fluorides in North America are viewed as “negligible” at a
maximum of 0.04 mg of fluoride per day (Burt, 1992), but can rise to 1.4 mg of
fluorine/m3 near industrial coal plants (Murray, 1986). However, most
exposures of fluorides occur within industry or at the workplace, due to
exposure to either hydrogen fluoride of hydrofluoric acid (where the latter is
HF in aqueous form), and very limited documented exposure to pure fluorine (as
its high reactivity leads to quick bonding with ambient water to form HF).
Inhalation of hydrogen fluoride can cause burns along the respiratory tract, as
occurred with a set of German industrial workers exposed to the gas. Nasal,
bronchial and eye irritation and pulmonary hemorrhages were noted, as well as
an increased risk of purulent tracheobronchitis (Bruan et al, 1984). Fluorine
gas is similarly irritating, and both can also create systemic changes in
electrolyte concentration (such as a decrease of Ca2+ concentration and
subsequent heart impacts), as the fluorine enters systematic circulation.
Route of Exposure
Due to the high
reactivity of the fluorine ion, hydrogen fluoride can produce dermal
degradation and burns. Since fluorine ions will bond with intercellular
calcium, the calcium near nerves will deplete, causing local nerve endings to
continuously release potassium and discharge frequently (Bertolini, 1992). This
causes a characteristically strong pain response in those exposed. Aqueous
hydrogen fluoride can deliver mobile fluorine deep into the skin, and pain
doesn’t directly correlate with exposure at high levels, as delayed effects are
commonly seen (Bertolini, 1992).
Most at Risk
Millions of people are
exposed to fluorine in the global population, predominantly through drinking
water supplies which are naturally enriched in fluorides (WHO, 2006). Drinking
water is also the main source of fluoride intake by humans, given a lack of
concentration industrial exposures. An estimated 200 million people currently
rely on water with a concentration higher than the WHO limit of 1.5 mg/L (Amini
et al, 2008). The occurrence of fluorosis is in part increased by calcium
deficient diets (Murray, 1986), and much of the burden of this disease exists
in India, China, Tanzania, Mexico, and Argentina, among other locations (Amini
et al, 2008). Therefore, the populations
at risk are: (1) those exposed to high levels of fluoride in drinking water and
(2) those exposed to fluorides in an industrial setting or due to industrial
releases or pollution.
Fluorides can be absorbed
through many different pathways in the human body including the
gastrointestinal tract, lungs, and skin (ATSDR, 2003). Due to the high
reactivity of fluoride, it is commonly associated with either hydrogen (as HF)
or sodium (NaF or Na2SiF6), though it will dissociate and
across multiple biological membranes to exhibit toxic actions (ATSDR, 2003).
Approximately 75-90% of orally
ingested fluoride is absorbed, as all fluorides are converted into HF in the
highly acidic stomach and can pass through the intestinal lining in that form
(WHO, 2006). These compounds are rapidly absorbed through the stomach and
intestines through passive diffusion, and blood plasma levels peak 30 to 60
minutes after ingestion (Ekstrand et al, 1978). Absorption of fluoride
compounds are in part a function of the dose (diffusion limited), pH of the
stomach (higher pH leads to more HF and faster absorption), the rate of gastric
empting and the amount of ambient calcium and magnesium (as binding agents).
The rate of stomach empting can increase the exposure in the upper
gastrointestinal tract, and thereby increase absorption. Similarly, the presence
of ions such as calcium and magnesium, and even aluminum decreased fluoride
absorption (Stookey et al 1964)
Inhaled hydrogen fluoride
can also provide a source of fluorides in systemic circulation, especially in
blood. Absorption occurs predominantly through the upper respiratory tract (as
suggested by rat studies by Morris and Smith, 1982), and had absorption rates
from inhaled air of almost 100% for exposures from 30 to 176 mg fluoride/m3.
Full blood diffusion of the fluorides occurred within 40 minutes, and the concentrations
correlated extremely closely with inhaled fluoride (R2= 0.98,
p<0.01) (Morris and Smith, 1982). Similarly, exposure to inhaled dusts
containing hydrogen fluoride and fluoride-bearing dusts, as shown in urinary
output of fluoride by aluminum production workers in the potroom was absorbed (Søyseth,
V., et al. 1994), through a quantification of the rate and extent of absorption
has not been documented for particulate fluorides (ATSDR, 2003).
Dermal exposure to
fluorides such as hydrofluoric acid results in rapid penetration of fluoride
ions into the skin, and if high amounts are present, large levels of cellular
necrosis can occur along with bone decalcification (e.g. Dale, 1951, among
others). The rapid adsorption of fluorine into the tissues can create
systematic problems after dermal contact, but the percent of absorption has not
adequately been reviewed (ATSDR, 2003). Similarly, no separation between HF (g)
inhalation exposure and whole-body dermal fluorine exposure was made in the
literature (ATSDR, 2003) though most exposures occur as joint dermal-inhalation
impacts (Bruan et al, 1984).
Barrier & Placental Protection
The blood brain barrier
is effective in preventing the transfer of fluorides into the central nervous
system, shown in studies of both ewes where brain fluoride concentrations did
not exceed 10% of plasma concentrations (Whitford et al, 1979). However,
fluoride will transfer across the maternal placenta. At low levels, the baby’s
fluoride level was 60% of the mother’s, though this trend decreased at higher
concentrations, suggesting a partial placental barrier (Gupta et al, 1993).
This has impacts on developmental changes, as the growing baby is at risk of
incorporating the fluorides into the bone structure. On the other hand,
fluoride is not well transferred from plasma into breast milk (Ekstrand et al
1981). A dose of 1.5 mg sodium fluoride did not produce a rise in breast milk
fluoride concentrations after three hours, and levels of fluoride in human milk
commonly range from 5 to 10 µg/L (Gupta et al, 1993).
There was limited data
found the distribution of fluoride in human tissues via non-oral or dermal
routes, likely due to the propensity for the fluorine to quickly move into the
blood and plasma streams after exposure (Whitford, 1990) and the high
prevalence of research on oral exposures (ATSDR, 2003).
In general, around 99% of
the fluoride in the body at any given time can be found in bones and teeth
(Hamilton 1990), along with the pineal gland which can also accumulate
fluoride. Fluoride ions are incorporated into bone as they substitute for the
hydroxyl ion in hydroxyapatite to form hydroxyfluroapatite (Ekstrand et al,
1977). No matter what the route of exposure is, some fluoride is deposited into
teeth, and smaller amounts are distributed into soft tissues, and excreted in
the urine, sweat and saliva. Fluoride distributes between the plasma and blood,
with plasma levels over two times that of blood levels (Whitford, 1990), and
limited protein binding, and a half-life within the plasma compartment of two
to nine hours in a dual compartment model (Ekstrand et al, 1977, Figure 3).
– The two-box compartment model describing fluorine flux through measured plasma
fluoride concentrations (ng/mL) in humans.
e.g. plasma [fluoride] ß àbone/teeth/soft tissue
The lines compare the
three and two-box models, with the two box model having a better coefficient of
fit (Ekstrand et al, 1977).
Organs & Concentration of Fluoride
The primary target organs
for fluoride are bones, lungs and teeth, with some emerging effects on the
functioning of the kidneys at 1 ppm concentrations in rats (Tsunoda et al,
2005). Fluoride was shown to have a very limited impact on the central nervous
system and live in rats (Tsunoda et al, 2005). As tissue fluoride levels are
not regulated by the body’s homeostatic functions, the fluoride can move
quickly through soft tissue and settle into bone. The level of distribution into
bone is influenced by age, past fluoride exposure, and the rate of bone
dissolution (which relates to nutrition status; Desmarais, 2014). The
concentration of fluoride uptake in bone is related to the rate of bone growth,
which decreases with age; as such, infants absorbed 68.1% to 83.4% of fluoride
supplements, where adults only retained 55.3% from the same supplement
(Ekstrand et al, 1994). The
concentration of fluoride within the teeth can produce fluorosis, a staining
and disruption of the chemical formation of enamel (Figure 4).
– The progression of fluorosis of the tooth enamel, where fluoride replaces either
the OH- or HCO3- ions to create
hydroxyfluorapatite. Severe fluorosis can lead to dental problems, especially
if during tooth formation (1-8 years old) including cracking and chipping of
teeth (Image source: dentalwatch.org).
& Excretion
Fluoride metabolism is
thought to be mainly through distribution and storage of the toxicant
(Whitford, 1994), as fluorine is not bio-transformed directly by the body (US
DOH, 1991). The primary route of removal of fluoride from plasma and blood is
through the replacement of negatively charged ions (e.g. OH- or less
commonly HCO3-) in the hydroxyapatite mineral structure
of bone (Figure 5). It can also associate with aluminum, calcium, beryllium and
magnesium in the body (Whitford et al, 1987).
The main location of metabolism
through apatite incorporation is through the periosteal of the long bones,
specifically in cancellous bones matter, at the rate of 50% of total daily
fluoride being absorbed by the bones within 24 hours of exposure. After
absorption, the remaining fluoride is excreted through either sweat and urine
(< 1%) or urine (~50%) (Whitford, 1994; Ayoob and Gupta; 2007). The high rate of absorption in these
cancellous bone areas, especially during bone growth, is due to the high
concentration of blood supply in those areas, which normally provides calcium
ions, and the high surface area of bone crystallites. The rate of absorption of
fluorine into bone is much higher than calcium, and so for children the rate of
incorporation of fluorine into bone can be much greater than 50% (Whitford,
1994), increasing the level of bone metabolism and decreasing excretion of free
fluorine. Once attached to bone, it is very strongly bond but not irreversibly
so, as it is housed in two reservoirs (1) a rapidly exchanged pool in the
hydration shells of bone crystallites, and (2) a slowly exchangeable pool which
can be released from bones during bone reabsorption, bone remodeling, or during
bone healing (Buzalaf, 2011). This pattern is consistent for all routes of
absorption of fluorine and hydrogen fluoride (US DOH, 1991).
5 – The
main features of fluoride metabolism in the human body are plotted across a
curve of typical plasma concentrations. Not the similarity in shape to
experimental concentrations in Figure 4. The main excretion pathway through
urine is shown larger than the secondary pathways (feces, sweat) (Whitford,
Molecules which contain
fluorine tend to have enhanced lipophilicity and increased passive diffusion
through biological membranes, which is one of the reasons why fluorine is
prominent in medicines developed today (Park et al, 2001). These organic
fluorine-bearing molecules have various actions in the body, and many Phase
I/Phase II biotransformation pathways. The p450 enzyme can be inhibited by the
presence of fluorine in a bond, which can increase the residence time of a
medicine in the body (Park et al, 2001; Bohm et al 2004). However, reviews of
the metabolism of fluorine-derived medicines are beyond the scope of this
paper, due to their high number and varied mechanisms, but much research has
been completed in that field (e.g. Bohm et al, 2006; Hagmann et al, 2008; Park
et al, 2001; etc).
Almost all of the
excretion of fluorine from the body is through urine from the kidney, as
fluoride is filtered by the glomerulus and partially re-absorbed (10-70%, similar
to other negatively charged ions) by the tubular system (ATSDR, 2003). The
extent of reabsorption is related to pH, and is approximately 30 to 40 mL/min
in average adults (Buzalaf, 2011). Renal clearance of fluoride is directly
related to pH, as at lower pH fluorides exist predominantly as HF, which can be
excreted, whereas at higher pH values, HF would dissociate and fluorine would
return to circulation (Whitford et al, 1976).
Substances that would
inhibit these processes of metabolism and excretion would be agents which could
increase urinary pH (e.g. ammonia), which could slow the primary excretion
pathway for fluorine (urination) (Tannen, 1978). Similarly, any oliguric agents
that could slow the output of urine could also decrease the rate of excretion.
The secondary excretion pathways of fecal and sweat excretion are negligible in
terms of inhibition of excretion. The presence of enhanced calcium in both
blood serum and in the stomach can bind systematic fluoride and decrease the
fluoride concentration. No reliable data was found on interactions that
directly impact the negative effects of fluoride in the body (ATSDR, 2003).
The process which
metabolizes fluorides from the body is the same process which can produce many of
its toxic effects on the human body – the substitution of fluorine for other
ions, such as OH- in bone minerals. Fluoride can substitute into the
structure of the bones and teeth, and provide both positive and negative impacts
depending on: the dose, age of the populations exposed, and patient nutrient
status (NAS, 1997).
Effects - Fluorosis of Teeth
Dental fluorosis (as
shown in Figure 4) can occur as the adult teeth are developing in the jaw and
before they erupt into the mouth (age < 8 years). The
no-observed-adverse-effect level (NOAEL) was identified to be 0.10 mg/kg/day
for moderate enamel fluorosis in children from 0-8 years old (NAS, 1997). Fluorosis
of teeth is related to chipping and cracking of the dental surface, which can
relate to endpoints sepsis and localized inflammation if paired with poor
dental hygiene, and possibly social ostracizing. Fluoride also may inhibit
amelogeninase, a calcium-dependent metalloenzyme through competitive inhibition
for calcium which is utilized in enamel formation (Whitford, 1997).
Effects - Fluorosis of Bones
Fluorine can also
substitute for ions within the structure of bones, similar to fluorosis in
teeth. Fluoride blood plasma and bone strength have a bi-phasic relationship in
rats (Turner, 1992), where both extremely low and high concentrations of
fluoride can have a negative impact in bone strength, suggesting that the
quality of new bone with high levels fluoride inclusions is lower. The
mechanism for this toxicity is an alteration at the interface between the
collagen and the mineral, where fluorine forms wider crystals, which are not as
well-linked to collagen fibers and have decreased mechanical strength (Turner,
1997). Therefore, although fluorosis can increase bone density and strength in
low doses, as chronically high doses (~ 1.5 mg/L concentrations in areas of
high water intake; near equator) negative impacts on bones can occur. Beyond
physiochemical changes, fluoride can impact the immune system, inhibiting the
osteoblasts which would commonly resorb bone tissue for both maintenance and
repair of bones (Chachra et al, 1999). Fluorine is both toxic to individual
osteoblasts and decreases the amount of bone resorbed by osteroclasts (Chachra
et al, 1999). This is of greater concern
with those with weakened immune systems and children (ATSDR, 2003), and those
with poor nutrition (Teotia et al, 1998). As such, fluoride in the drinking
water of the developing world may be a prime candidate for a global public
health intervention.
Toxic Effects – Dermal & Respiratory Irritation & Necrosis
The most relevant toxic
effects to those working with fluorides in an industrial setting are most
likely the dermal and respiratory impacts. Exposure to low concentrations of HF
(> 0.5 ppm) via inhalation can produce irritation, where higher
concentrations can produce pulmonary edema, hemorrhaging, necrosis and even
pulmonary collapse (Bruan et al, 1984). Dermal exposure to aqueous HF can cause
extensive necrosis and even systemic fluoride intoxication due to quick
absorption through dermal route. Fluoride intoxication is when fluorine alters
electrolyte concentrations (e.g. Figure 5; altering of calcium concentrations
and cardiac changes), (Barbier et al, 2011).
community based studies have found associations between drinking from a
fluorinated water supply and cancer, including osteosarcoma or bone cancer (Cohn,
1992; Erickson, 1978; among others). Some studies on rats have found a weak
fluoride-mediated increase in osteosarcomas in males rats (ASTDR, 2003). Most
studies show no significant association between fluorides and cancer, and the
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has determined that
carcinogenic nature of fluorides are not classifiable, which means the data are
insufficient to make an evaluation (IARC, 1987).
Results across the
literature have been inconsistent, but a consensus is forming that at toxic
levels (>10 μg/mL, and usually >40 μg/mL), there may be a general inhibition
of enzymes, including DNA polymerase (Caspary et al. 1987), which may impact
the p53 generation. Recent results
after the publication of the ATSDR suggest that even at daily dosages of
millimolar concentrations, fluoride can induce apoptosis, inhibit protein
secretion/ synthesis, and generate oxidative stress and reactive oxygen species
(ROS) through microchondrial interactions (Figure 5).
– Multiple mechanisms of fluoride toxicity occur, with signaling in the cardiac
system being of the greatest acute importance (as Ca2+
availability can lead to heart rhythm changes), but alterations to oxidative
stress, cell respiration, and DNA changes can occur (Barbier et al, 2011).
Developmental Effects
Current data on fluorides
potential to induce developmental effects is inconclusive (ATSDR, 2003).
However, recent studies by Lu et al. (2000) suggested that a decrease in IQ
scores was noted in children in China exposed to high fluoride from coal mining
soot. However, in this study there was no control for other contaminants, such
as lead, in the soot. Limited data suggest that fluoride at therapeutic
drinking water levels does not impact the developing fetus, as the body can
regulate fluoride passage through the placenta. However, more research is
suggested on developmental effects of fluoride in high concentrations,
especially as a co-contaminant with arsenic, as is commonly endemic in some
developing countries (Foster et al, 2008).
Effects on Organ Systems
The most primary toxic
effects after inhalation of fluorine or hydrogen fluoride are the inflammation
and disruption of the trachea, bronchi and alveoli. The respiratory tract is a
primary target organ for gaseous fluorine (ATSDR, 2003). Inhalation of hydrogen fluoride can produce
symptoms such as irritation, pulmonary edema, hemorrhaging, necrosis and even
pulmonary collapse (Bruan et al, 1984), and depend on concentration and
duration of exposure. However, in cases of exposure to gaseous HF where death
occurs, toxic effects on the respiratory system are commonly the culprit
(Figure 6).
– Toxic effects of fluorine on (A) the lung tissue (B) the trachea and (C) the
alveoli after exposure to HF (g) (images
from Bruan et al, 1984; diagram from sciencekids.co.nz).
Toxic effects on the skin
are similarly intense, as fluoride is highly lipophilic and can easily pass
through the skin. Dermal exposure to aqueous HF can cause extensive necrosis
and even systemic fluoride intoxication due to quick absorption through dermal
route. Fluoride intoxication is when fluorine alters electrolyte concentrations
(e.g. Figure 5; altering of calcium concentrations and cardiac changes), (Barbier
et al, 2011). Less than 1% of the distributed fluorine stays in
tissues after 24 hours (Whitford, 1994), so removal of the source chemical and
immediate topical application or intravenous administration of calcium
gluconate is paramount (Bruan et al, 1984).
Also related are the
toxic effects on the ocular system, which can be irritated by 0.5 – 4.5 ppm HF
gas. Necrosis of ocular tissue can occur with exposure to aqueous HF, but data
on toxic ocular impacts from high systemic levels of fluorides are extremely
limited (ATSDR, 2003). The final organ system where toxic effects of fluorides are
paramount is within the renal system. The kidneys are sensitive to disruption
by ingested fluoride, as they will concentrate HF in order to excrete it from
renal tubules. In rodents, necrosis of renal tubules occurred after high dosage
of hydrofluoric acid was administered. In general, renal impairment occurs at
higher concentrations than the respiratory effects (Keplinger and Suissa 1968).
Concurrent kidney stress may lead to increased levels of necrosis, such as
exposure to industrial solvents, and co-contamination should be monitored
closely. Some necrosis was also noted in the liver parenchymal tissue in these
studies, but insufficient human data exists on liver damage (ATSDR, 2003).
As oral fluoride exposure
effects over 200 million people (Amini et al, 2008), and a majority of rural
populations rely on groundwater as their drinking water source (Foster et al,
2008), the impact of hydrological and climate changes on the distribution of
fluoride may be drastic. Changes in the magnitude of fluoride concentrations
both orally and through other exposure routes could have a myriad of impacts on
human populations. Similarly, the use of fluorine in medicine development is
showing no sign of slowing (Figure 7), and the release of compounds into
wastewater after ingestion is another important emerging source of fluorine to
the environment.
The very nature that
makes fluorine useful as a metal flux and a medical additive – its high
electronegativity and affinity for bonding – are the same root of its toxic
effects in humans. Fluorine is truly a savage (but useful) beast among the
elements, and a double edged sword as a triumph of public health weighted by a
risk possible harm. In other words:
substances are poison; there is none which is not a poison. The right dose
differentiates a poison from a remedy.” ~Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus
Bombastus von Hohenheim-Paracelsus, 1567
7 – A
graph of all launched drugs from 1957 to 2006 containing fluoride (red bars)
verses total number of drugs launched; there has been a notable increased of
the percentage of fluorine containing drugs in recent times, which is expected to
continue (Hagmann et al, 2008).
for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR). 2003. Toxicological profile
for Fluorine. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public
Health Service.
S., and A. K. Gupta. "Fluoride in drinking water: a review on the status
and stress effects." Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and
Technology 36.6 (2006): 433-487.
C., et al. "Periodontal disease and fluoride bone levels in two separate
Iberian red deer populations." Animal Production Science 52.8 (2012):
O., L. Arreola-Mendoza, and L.M. Del Razo. 2011 Molecular mechanisms of
fluoride toxicity. Chem Biol Interact. 2010 Nov 5;188(2):319-33. Epub 2010 Aug
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